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  • Laundry company website
    Web Design
    Salary 2000.00 Pound £
    March 17, 2024

    Hello,I am looking for a graphic designer to create a web site of linen for individuals, including s...

    London, Great London
  • Phone company website
    Web Design
    Salary 15.00 Pound £
    July 4, 2021

    Hello,I would like to create a company selling personal phones, including smartphones.The website sh...

    Bristol, Bristol
  • Website
    Web Design
    Salary 1300.00 Pound £
    April 19, 2021

    I would like to create a glazier company. We sell windows of all sizes. The website will need to be ...

    Salford, Great Manchester
  • Website for Supermarket
    Web Design
    Salary 20.00 Pound £
    June 25, 2020

    Hello,I would like to create a website for a convenience store that sells all the necessities. A qua...

    London, Great London
  • Website for restaurant
    Web Design
    Salary 1200.00 Pound £
    October 18, 2019

    Hello, I would like to create a website for a restaurant that sells kebabs and tacos, and pizzas. Th...

    Luton, Bedfordshire
  • Website for phone store
    Web Design
    Salary 250.00 Pound £
    September 22, 2019

    Hello,I would like to create a website for a phone store of several brands apple, samsung, huawei an...

    London, Great London
  • Website for toy company
    Web Design
    Salary 1500.00 Pound £
    September 15, 2019

    Hello, I would like to create a website for a toy business for children from 1 to 3 years old. The s...

    London, Great London
  • Website Companies
    Web Design
    Salary 700.00 Pound £
    September 2, 2019

    Aser Website is a design services company that supports its clients in the creation of Websites. We ...

    London, Great London
  • Logo + website
    Web Design
    Salary 1000.00 Pound £
    July 17, 2019

    I am looking for a graphic designer available and reliable in the long term to realize me different ...

    London, Great London
  • Clothing shop website
    Web Design
    Salary 200.00 Pound £
    May 28, 2019

    Hello,I am looking for a web designer to realize my website. This is a clothing store to sell, each ...

    London, Great London
  • A junior translator
    Salary 50.00 Pound £
    September 23, 2018

    You will translate, post-edit or edit localization projects mainly from English to French: user inte...

    London, Great London
  • 1

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