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25 - 36 of 266 jobs listings
Job Listings
  • Creation of visual media Communication
    Salary 25.40 Pound £
    January 27, 2022

    Association seeks graphic designer for the creation of communication media (Posters, Flyers, Brochur...

    Manchester, Great Manchester
  • Power point presentations
    Salary 2.00 Pound £
    January 27, 2022

    I am looking for one or more graphic designers capable of formatting PowerPoint presentations. Conte...

    Oxford, Oxfordshire
  • Tea and infusion brand logo creation
    Salary 22.00 Pound £
    January 27, 2022

    looking for a graphic designer to create a modern logo for a tea and infusion brand

    Bristol, Bristol
  • Logo design
    Salary 35.00 Pound £
    January 27, 2022

    Hello, I would like a graphic designer. Mission: to improve the quality of product photos. The sourc...

    London, Great London
  • product label design
    Salary 33.00 Pound £
    January 27, 2022

    I am looking for a graphic designer to work on improvements and corrections on product visuals. I ne...

    Sheffield, South Yorkshire
  • Logo for gsm store
    Salary 100.00 Pound £
    December 18, 2021

    I'm at the home of a competent web designer to create a logo for a mobile store. The logo should rep...

    London, Great London
  • Indian restaurant logo
    Salary 250.00 Pound £
    November 10, 2021

    For our Indian restaurant, I am looking for a graphic designer for a logo representing a cook with d...

    London, Great London
  • Cheap logo
    Salary 200.00 Pound £
    August 28, 2021

    I am looking for a person to create a logo for a construction company that I am going to create. The...

    London, Great London
  • Independent short film
    Salary 33.00 Pound £
    August 7, 2021

    I'm looking for a graphic designer for a short film, it's a very simple animation to make, my main c...

    Hull, East Yorkshire
  • Book covers in feminine style
    Salary 34.00 Pound £
    August 7, 2021

    Hello, I am looking for a graphic designer to make 3 book covers in a feminine and funny style, the ...

    Darlington, Durham
  • Creation of animations
    Salary 22.00 Pound £
    August 7, 2021

    Hello, to highlight the work of my agency, I am looking for a graphic designer capable of creating d...

    Wimbledon, Great London
  • Audiovisual association logo creation
    Salary 22.00 Pound £
    August 7, 2021

    Hello, we are looking for a graphic designer to create the logo of a cultural association oriented t...

    Bristol, Bristol

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