Logos Great London
49 - 59 of 59 jobs listingsJob Listings
Logo for kebab
Salary 300.00 Pound £
June 30, 2019Hello,I want to open a kebab and I need a nice logo with beautiful colors. A logo representing a coo...
London, Great London -
Organic soap mark logo
Salary 200.00 Pound £
June 6, 2019Hello,I would like to create a brand of soap and I need a logo to represent its brand. This is a log...
London, Great London -
Chicken fast food logo
Salary 100.00 Pound £
May 9, 2019Hello,I would like to create a fast food restaurant that sells chicken type sandwiches. For that I n...
London, Great London -
Logo chinese restaurant
Salary 150.00 Pound £
May 4, 2019Hello I'm looking for a design specialist to have a logo for a future Chinese restaurant. The logo r...
London, Great London -
Search logo for gym
Salary 100.00 Pound £
March 27, 2019Hello,I'm looking for a graphic designer to make a logo for gym, which represents a cat with dumbbel...
London, Great London -
Graphic designer to create logo
Salary 50.00 Pound £
March 13, 2019Hello, Company with 4 different concept seeks graphic designer to create logo and take care of the m...
London, Great London -
Creating a logo with bees
Salary 150.00 Pound £
February 3, 2019I am looking for a graphic designer to create a logo for book editions. The publishing house with th...
London, Great London -
Mexican fast food
Salary 300.00 Pound £
January 20, 2019I am looking for a graphic designer for a fast food with Mexican specialties.I am looking for an exp...
London, Great London -
Creation logo for restaurant
Salary 150.00 Pound £
December 5, 2018We are looking for a graphic designer to transcribe at best a restaurant logo.We have the sketch in ...
London, Great London -
Urgent logo creation
Salary 200.00 Pound £
November 14, 2018I am looking for a graphic designer for the creation of a logo.This logo, based on an eagle, will ha...
London, Great London -
Logo for fastfood
Salary 30.00 Pound £
September 10, 2018I'm looking for a webdesigner to make a logo of a brand of a fastfood (basically burger / potatoes)....
London, Great London