• Clemmie
  • Location: Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdo

User listings

  • Quote for dressing
    Salary 36.00 Pound £
    June 13, 2020

    A quote for the cladding of the glass facade of one of our factories. The expected material is a mic...

    Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
  • Pixel art graphic artist
    Salary 24.00 Pound £
    April 14, 2020

    Family company, manufacturer of furniture. Looking for a 3D graphic designer to be able to integrate...

    Bristol, Bristol
  • graphical charter
    Salary 240.00 Pound £
    December 7, 2019

    I am looking for a graphic designer able to work with our teams to set up the graphic charter and th...

    Manchester, Great Manchester
  • Creation of 1 visual
    Salary 500.00 Pound £
    November 7, 2019

    I am looking for a graphic designer for the creation of several visuals for a facebook campaign, I w...

    Birmingham, West Midlands
  • 1

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