• Rigobert
  • Location: Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdo

User listings

  • Creation of a magazine
    Salary 37.00 Pound £
    June 13, 2020

    Following the defection of a volunteer employee suffering from a long illness, my project to create ...

    Hull, East Yorkshire
  • Photo designer
    Salary 30.00 Pound £
    April 14, 2020

    Hello, I have an accounting firm that will have a more open, simple and effective approach to client...

    Birmingham, West Midlands
  • Logo creation for cosmetics company
    Salary 300.00 Pound £
    December 7, 2019

    Hello, We are a cosmetic company in creation. We already have a logo that we want to redesign to mak...

    Luton, Bedfordshire
  • Improvement logo
    Salary 400.00 Pound £
    November 7, 2019

    I am looking for a specialist graphic designer to make my com panel and others on the theme that I w...

    Manchester, Great Manchester
  • 1

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