• Tammie
  • Location: Luton, Bedfordshire, United Kingdo

User listings

  • Logo and packaging creation for Savonnerie
    Salary 26.30 Pound £
    June 13, 2020

    Hello, I am looking for a graphic designer for a Template After effect Very simple to be able to mea...

    Oxford, Oxfordshire
  • Animation video
    Salary 25.00 Pound £
    April 14, 2020

    Hello, I have 2 AI files each corresponding to an advertisement for my company. I want to modify the...

    Luton, Bedfordshire
  • Modern and dynamic business card
    Salary 22.00 Pound £
    April 14, 2020

    I am looking for a graphic designer experienced in creating content for social networks but also in ...

    Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
  • Creating the visual of a greeting card
    Salary 25.40 Pound £
    April 14, 2020

    Hello, I am a writer and performer and I am looking for a graphic designer to write my stage name "C...

    Darlington, Durham
  • Drawing from a photo
    Salary 26.30 Pound £
    April 14, 2020

    I wish to continue my tattoo around the 5 elements of Taoism: water fire, earth, metal and wood. Thi...

    Oxford, Oxfordshire
  • Simple logo design
    Salary 240.00 Pound £
    December 7, 2019

    I am looking for a graphic designer for the creation of logos, meeting my expectations: professional...

    Hull, East Yorkshire
  • Graphic designer exe packaging
    Salary 240.00 Pound £
    December 7, 2019

    Design agency is looking for a graphic designer exe senior packaging, to start a mission in a row. P...

    Darlington, Durham
  • I am looking for a graphic designer to help me
    Salary 240.00 Pound £
    November 7, 2019

    We are looking for a graphic designer for a corporate movie. He / she will know how to use photoshop...

    Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
  • 1

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