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  • Laundry company website
    Web Design
    Salary 2000.00 Pound £
    March 17, 2024

    Hello,I am looking for a graphic designer to create a web site of linen for individuals, including s...

    London, Great London
  • Graphic design for textile printing
    Salary 20.00 Pound £
    January 27, 2022

    Hello, I'm looking for a graphic designer to create a logo for a clothing brand that I'm going to la...

    London, Great London
  • Graphic overhaul
    Salary 25.00 Pound £
    January 27, 2022

    We are looking for a graphic designer to carry out the graphic redesign of 2 websites (wordpress and...

    London, Great London
  • Logo design
    Salary 35.00 Pound £
    January 27, 2022

    Hello, I would like a graphic designer. Mission: to improve the quality of product photos. The sourc...

    London, Great London
  • Creation of a website
    Salary 20.00 Pound £
    January 27, 2022

    Hello everyone, I am looking for a webmaster who can help me with the creation of the website for my...

    London, Great London
  • Logo for gsm store
    Salary 100.00 Pound £
    December 18, 2021

    I'm at the home of a competent web designer to create a logo for a mobile store. The logo should rep...

    London, Great London
  • Indian restaurant logo
    Salary 250.00 Pound £
    November 10, 2021

    For our Indian restaurant, I am looking for a graphic designer for a logo representing a cook with d...

    London, Great London
  • Cheap logo
    Salary 200.00 Pound £
    August 28, 2021

    I am looking for a person to create a logo for a construction company that I am going to create. The...

    London, Great London
  • Logo creation
    Salary 35.00 Pound £
    August 7, 2021

    Hello. I am in the process of creating a company whose activity will be the sale of products online ...

    London, Great London
  • Logo design
    Salary 20.00 Pound £
    August 7, 2021

    Hello, I am looking for a designer to create the identity of my small business, mainly its logo and ...

    London, Great London
  • Creation of a logo for private driver
    Salary 20.00 Pound £
    August 7, 2021

    I am looking for a graphic designer to create a logo for my company that I will create soon as every...

    London, Great London
  • Logo and graphic charter creation
    Salary 25.00 Pound £
    August 7, 2021

    For the total overhaul of a libertine event site, we need the creation of a logo and a graphic chart...

    London, Great London

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