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  • Creation of clothing brand
    Salary 500.00 Pound £
    November 7, 2019

    I'm looking for a graphic artist who can vectorize hand-made drawings to put them on t-shirts. I als...

    York, North Yorkshire
    Salary 270.00 Pound £
    December 7, 2019

    I am looking for a graphic designer for the design of a logo for my creative show. If possible have ...

    York, North Yorkshire
  • Need business card
    Salary 30.00 Pound £
    December 14, 2020

    Hello, Physiotherapist, I am going to settle in liberal next month. For this, I will need a business...

    York, North Yorkshire
  • Calendar of seasons
    Salary 30.00 Pound £
    December 14, 2020

    Hello I am looking for someone who can give us a calendar of the fruit and vegetable seasons of each...

    York, North Yorkshire
  • Draw and animate a wheel of fortune
    Salary 30.00 Pound £
    December 14, 2020

    I need a design of a fleune wheel with rotation animation. I have an example to help you produce thi...

    York, North Yorkshire
  • Creation Logo Avatar
    Salary 30.00 Pound £
    February 20, 2021

    I would like a logo Avatar handmade with a small dragon Avatar a person style manga for the avatar I...

    York, North Yorkshire
  • Design of a fast food truck sticker
    Salary 30.00 Pound £
    August 7, 2021

    I'm looking for a graphic designer to create a sticker design to stick it on a fast food van: burger...

    York, North Yorkshire
  • Creation of a graphic
    Salary 30.00 Pound £
    August 7, 2021

    I am looking for a graphic designer to design the design of a roll-up for an association. The roll-u...

    York, North Yorkshire
  • Edit business card
    Salary 30.00 Pound £
    January 27, 2022

    Visuals for emailing, social media posts and brochures.

    York, North Yorkshire
  • Designer boutique logo
    Salary 24.00 Pound £
    August 7, 2021

    Hello ! we need you for the creation of a logo for a French designer store. The universe of the logo...

    York, North Yorkshire
  • youtube channel video editor
    Salary 24.00 Pound £
    January 27, 2022

    For our main show we need an intro video.

    York, North Yorkshire
  • Draw a logo
    Web Design
    Salary 9.00 Pound £
    April 14, 2020

    We are looking for a person dedicated to our SME issues: creation, redesign, artist direction, refle...

    York, North Yorkshire

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