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109 - 120 of 332 jobs listings
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  • Several logo for brand
    Salary 27.00 Pound £
    February 20, 2021

    I'm looking for a graphic designer who can create logos for our brand there will be some strain 5, 6...

    Luton, Bedfordshire
  • Logo
    Salary 26.00 Pound £
    February 20, 2021

    Hello, we would like to create a logo for our video game creation studio. These are video games for ...

    Manchester, Great Manchester
  • Wallpaper for a website.
    Web Design
    Salary 25.00 Pound £
    February 20, 2021

    I'm looking for a graphic designer to make a particular drawing that would be the wallpaper of a web...

    Birmingham, West Midlands
  • Crazy logo
    Salary 22.00 Pound £
    February 20, 2021

    I am looking for a graphic designer for gaming logo cream with custom pseudo.

    Bristol, Bristol
  • Logo, Visual Identity and Packaging Prod
    Salary 20.00 Pound £
    February 20, 2021

    Hello, as part of a creation of medical devices. We are looking for a graphic designer to support us...

    London, Great London
  • Improved design
    Web Design
    Salary 9.00 Pound £
    December 14, 2020

    Improved design of an existing site on a small advertisement website New a ser.

    Luton, Bedfordshire
  • Technical Content Writing
    Salary 33.00 Pound £
    December 14, 2020

    I need efficient content writers for my blog to write some articles. Total number of Articles: 10 Th...

    Manchester, Great Manchester
  • Creation Images and 3D movies
    Salary 37.00 Pound £
    December 14, 2020

    We want to make 3D photos and promotional films for real estate from DRG and or PDF format plans. Ex...

    Birmingham, West Midlands
  • Logo for Virtual Restaurant (Uber Eats)
    Salary 36.00 Pound £
    December 14, 2020

    In the context of an upcoming open restaurant, I am looking for a graphic designer able to realize a...

    Bristol, Bristol
  • Distributor Business Logo Creation
    Salary 35.00 Pound £
    December 14, 2020

    I'm looking for a graphic designer to perfect an existing logo, deep for a business and benchmark co...

    London, Great London
  • Create a manga
    Salary 33.00 Pound £
    December 14, 2020

    I'm looking for a draftsman who has time to create a manga with me. I am not close to the proposals ...

    Sheffield, South Yorkshire
  • Draw and animate a wheel of fortune
    Salary 30.00 Pound £
    December 14, 2020

    I need a design of a fleune wheel with rotation animation. I have an example to help you produce thi...

    York, North Yorkshire

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