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133 - 144 of 332 jobs listings
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  • Video editor / graphic designer
    Salary 25.00 Pound £
    December 14, 2020

    Hello everyone, for the launch of a youtube channel. I am looking for a video editor / graphic desig...

    London, Great London
  • Modern logo
    Salary 22.00 Pound £
    December 14, 2020

    Hello, I'm looking for a graphic designer to create a modern logo for my video game site. The site i...

    Bristol, Bristol
  • Original and refined logo
    Salary 24.50 Pound £
    December 14, 2020

    Creator of a business school association, I want to buy the services of a professional designer to c...

    Birmingham, West Midlands
  • Create the Logo
    Salary 25.40 Pound £
    December 14, 2020

    I need a graphic designer for the visuals of my brand of superfood. These are products such as spiru...

    Manchester, Great Manchester
  • screenshots
    Salary 26.30 Pound £
    December 14, 2020

    Our goal is to make our screenshots more attractive on the Google Play store. Our app is an entertai...

    Luton, Bedfordshire
  • Logo creation
    Salary 22.00 Pound £
    December 14, 2020

    I am looking for a graphic designer for the creation of my logo for my outstanding website. I am in ...

    Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
  • Creation of a logo
    Salary 9.00 Pound £
    December 14, 2020

    I am looking for a graphic designer for the creation of a 2D + 3D logo, that is to say in animation....

    Hull, East Yorkshire
  • Lofo for dressing
    Salary 2.00 Pound £
    December 14, 2020

    Logo for dressing me I am a dressing table and I develop my business. I wish to have a logo that per...

    Darlington, Durham
  • Draw and animate a wheel of fortune
    Salary 30.00 Pound £
    December 14, 2020

    I need a design of a fleune wheel with rotation animation. I have an example to help you produce thi...

    York, North Yorkshire
  • Creative logo; business card; Possible website
    Salary 24.00 Pound £
    December 14, 2020

    I'm looking for a graphic designer on Toulouse to create my visual identity as a wellness practition...

    Wimbledon, Great London
  • Logo for start-up
    Salary 23.00 Pound £
    December 14, 2020

    We are looking for a graphic designer to design our business logo as well as our visual identity.

    Oxford, Oxfordshire
  • Create a manga
    Salary 33.00 Pound £
    December 14, 2020

    I'm looking for a draftsman who has time to create a manga with me. I am not close to the proposals ...

    Sheffield, South Yorkshire

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