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193 - 204 of 332 jobs listings
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  • Animation video
    Salary 25.00 Pound £
    April 14, 2020

    Hello, I have 2 AI files each corresponding to an advertisement for my company. I want to modify the...

    Luton, Bedfordshire
  • Specifications on wix
    Salary 25.00 Pound £
    June 13, 2020

    We have produced a specification on wix in order to show you the project as a whole, the site will b...

    Hull, East Yorkshire
  • Looking for a graphic designer
    Salary 25.00 Pound £
    June 13, 2020

    a designer for a tattoo project on the left arm. I have already done tattoos and I would like to mak...

    Luton, Bedfordshire
  • Specifications on wix
    Salary 25.00 Pound £
    June 14, 2020

    We have produced a specification on wix in order to show you the project as a whole, the site will b...

    Hull, East Yorkshire
  • Looking for a graphic designer
    Salary 25.00 Pound £
    June 14, 2020

    a designer for a tattoo project on the left arm. I have already done tattoos and I would like to mak...

    Luton, Bedfordshire
  • Make a logo for a start-up
    Salary 25.00 Pound £
    December 14, 2020

    I am looking for a graphic designer to make a logo for a start-up that we have just created with col...

    Birmingham, West Midlands
  • Video editor / graphic designer
    Salary 25.00 Pound £
    December 14, 2020

    Hello everyone, for the launch of a youtube channel. I am looking for a video editor / graphic desig...

    London, Great London
  • I am looking to create a logo for a Twitter account.
    Salary 25.00 Pound £
    December 14, 2020

    I'm looking for a graphic designer to make me a logo for software that I created. This logo will be ...

    Birmingham, West Midlands
  • Wallpaper for a website.
    Web Design
    Salary 25.00 Pound £
    February 20, 2021

    I'm looking for a graphic designer to make a particular drawing that would be the wallpaper of a web...

    Birmingham, West Midlands
  • Community logo
    Salary 25.00 Pound £
    August 7, 2021

    I am looking for a graphic designer for. Respond to my request. The request must be made within 2 da...

    Birmingham, West Midlands
  • Logo and graphic charter creation
    Salary 25.00 Pound £
    August 7, 2021

    For the total overhaul of a libertine event site, we need the creation of a logo and a graphic chart...

    London, Great London
  • Restore photos with smudges
    Salary 25.00 Pound £
    August 7, 2021

    Hello, I am looking for a person gifted to restore a baptismal photos, it has stains because of the ...

    Birmingham, West Midlands

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